Bringing Happy Kava Vibes to a Los Angeles Beach Club

body of water wave photo during golden time
Picture of Kavahana

Introducing kava to people who have never experienced, or sometimes ever heard of it, is always a treat. At Kavahana, the first kava-only bar in Los Angeles, we offer tasty options to both experienced fans of this ancient tea, and people curious about the relaxed and happy feelings that it stimulates. 

At a Los Angeles Beach Tennis Club recently, we brought along some of our delicious flavors of our tea to people enjoying the ocean breeze and an afternoon of beach tennis. Already enjoying a social and relaxing day, people loved the extra calm and happy feelings enhanced by our tea. Our sampling events are always popular and this beach day was no exception.

What is kava?

An ancient Pacific Island traditional drink, when we take the 100% ground natural root of the kava plant and brew it with water, we get an ancient tea. Native people enjoy it during social events, celebrations, and ceremonies to create feelings of calm, social confidence, happiness, and focus. Discovered several hundred years ago by the Western world but only now growing in popularity as an alternative to alcohol, people love the effects of the tea and the benefit of hangover-less weekends.

Our flavors are always a hit

Having heard that the taste of kava can be a little on the earthy side, many members at the beach tennis club experiencing our Kavahana tea couldn’t help but mention their surprise at the delicious quality of our flavors. We rotate our menu flavors, with new tasty options to try appearing regularly. We love offering a variety as everyone has different tastes, and for experienced kava drinkers, it keeps things interesting.

kava bowl and wooden scoops
<em>traditional kava shutterstock<em>

As our tea brings feelings of happiness, euphoria, and social confidence, it was a perfect addition to this group activity, where everyone could appreciate the beauty of this Southern California beach with the sun beaming over the Pacific Ocean, and friends enjoying games of beach tennis together. 

Enjoying real connection

Enhancing social connection is one of the biggest gifts of kava. When we feel less overwhelmed, when we aren’t overthinking about work and the week ahead, we can enjoy our friends and off time to the fullest. Some people prefer not to drink during the day, or while playing games as the impairment can make the day unproductive. For others, alcohol can become a potentially dangerous addition to their social life. It often leads to dependence, or regular hangover symptoms that feel counterintuitive to their initial goal of wishing to feel better. 

We had more fans than we had kava tea!

Although we loved our day bringing our tea to the beachgoers of Los Angeles, we couldn’t have predicted just how popular we would be. Running out of kava samples in just a short time was a clear message that the beach club members were loving the vibe. Seeing how much people enjoyed their experience who had never tried it before, we cannot wait to introduce the rest of Los Angeles to this amazing tea.

Kavahana is growing

Currently available at farmers markets and pop-up events around Los Angeles, we will bring Kahavana to a chilled out, brick-and-mortar location in 2023. We are thrilled that people loved our tea and cannot wait for our next pop-up surprise sampling event. 

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Kava and the liver. It’s a challenging topic that has been a huge debate and has ruined kava’s reputation since the early 1990s. It’s probably the most publicized myth about […]

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash When you’re new to kava, there’s a wealth of information to absorb: understanding its effects, mastering the preparation process, and even experiencing the unique […]

Bringing Happy Kava Vibes to a Los Angeles Beach Club

body of water wave photo during golden time


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