But what is it really?
made of plants 🌱
Kava Nectar is a powder crafted through the cold pressing of freshly harvested kava roots, yielding a pure, fresh kava juice. This juice is then meticulously dried and transformed into a fine powder using a proprietary process. Made exclusively from 100% natural kava root juice, Kava Nectar contains no fillers, additives, or preservatives, ensuring a lovely experience. ☀️
comes from halfway across the world ✈️
Kava Nectar is made from the roots of kava plants. The kava plants are organically grown and cultivated for several years on the rich, volcanic islands of Vanuatu. These islands provide the ideal environment for growing high-quality kava nectar. 🏝️
tastes earthy (like a stronger matcha) 🍵
Kava Nectar is naturally earthy because it is made from the roots of plants. It tastes like a strong matcha, with hints of lemongrass, pepper, and cashew – earthy and smooth 🌎
like coffee's sister for relaxation 🛁
Kava Nectar promotes feelings of happiness and sociability while keeping your mind continuously calm. We liken the effects of natural kava root to coffee, but with the opposite effect—promoting relaxation instead.
Natural kava root has been enjoyed socially and ceremonially for its calming properties for centuries in the South Pacific and Hawaii.
tingles your tongue 👅
Don’t be alarmed, you’re not having an allergic reaction! Kava nectar delightfully tingles your tongue while you’re drinking it, because the kava plants – which make kava nectar – are related to the peppercorn plant.