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Category: About Kava

A guide to choosing the best kava for you

When it comes to kava, no two are the same. And this makes choosing the best kava for you challenging. One of the reasons kava gets a bad rep is that newbies to kava don’t know these differences, and they

What does Kava Nectar actually feel like?

Kava Nectar has been going viral because it’s a non-alcoholic drink you can actually feel. Unlike other mocktails and N/A beverages, kava is made from the roots of a pepper from the Pacific islands. The plant has unique qualities that

The story behind kava’s earthy taste

While kava is enjoyed for its relaxing and socializing effects, its taste can be challenging for newbies. Some describe it as earthy,  while others say it tastes like dirt.  But there’s a reason for its unique flavor – it’s from

Is Kava Nectar safer than alcohol?

Alcohol has become a staple in our society as a way to unwind and relax. That nice cold beer or glass of wine can taste so good after a busy day. But with that comes the negative side of alcohol-

Is kava hard on the liver?

Kava and the liver. It’s a challenging topic that has been a huge debate and has ruined kava’s reputation since the early 1990s. It’s probably the most publicized myth about kava there. What makes it even more complicated is that

How long do the effects of kava last?

When you’re new to kava, there’s a wealth of information to absorb: understanding its effects, mastering the preparation process, and even experiencing the unique tingling sensation on your tongue. However, knowing the effects of kava is critical to having a