Tag: kava supplements

Why Kava Supplements aren’t Considered “True” Kava

When asked if people have tried kava before, it can be harder to answer than expected. While it can be found in health food stores and co-ops, these are usually easy-to-use kava supplements and extracts. Because of the processing involved,

Is Kava Hard on the Liver?

Kava and the liver. It’s a challenging topic that has been a huge debate and has ruined kava’s reputation since the early 1990s. It’s probably the most publicized myth about kava there. What makes it even more complicated is that

Kava Nectar vs Kava Found in a Store

When asked if they’ve tried kava and kava nectar before, many refer to products they can buy in a health food store or local grocery market. Whole Foods. But as far as we know and within mainstream grocery stores in

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