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Category: About Kava

Can I drink Kava Nectar everyday?

Kava has been enjoyed daily by people in the Pacific islands for centuries. So why are we now starting to ask the question about kava’s safety in the western world? And what does this mean for Kava Nectar? If you’re

Does kava make you high?

The question of whether or not kava gets you high has been debated for years. Adding to the confusion is the fact that it works in similar ways to alcohol and has similar relaxing and socializing effects. One of the

Is kava bad for your heart?

There has been a question floating around about whether kava effects your heart and can lead to heart disease. While there is much discussion on the false effects of kava negatively affecting your liver, it’s difficult to find research that

Kava is declared an official food by the state of Hawaii

Exciting news came out of the state of Hawai’i last week. They declared traditional kava, that in the form of a tea, as an official food. This is huge for the kava world! For decades, kava has been misunderstood. The

Perspectives on the Toxicology of Kava

In 2015, the University of Hawai’i published a study reviewing kava’s benefits and discussing its toxicity claims. The review was done by researchers from both the Pacific Islands and Western countries to present different perspectives on the claims. These claims

How kava can help manage anxiety

Because of its long history of calming effects on the mind and body, researchers have started looking into kava as a treatment for mental health challenges like anxiety and sleep disorders. In fact, kava has been used in more than

A Guide to the Origins of Kava Strains

While all kava comes from the same plant, where the plant is grown plays a large part in its effects. These are known as kava strains, sometimes also called cultivars. Each strain affects the body and mind differently. Some give

Kava’s benefits for sleep

We all need sleep, whether we want to admit it or not. It is a critical part of our lives, allowing our brains and bodies to recover. It is when new brain cells connect to things we’ve learned and allow

What makes up the kava plant?

Kava, known for its calming and relaxing effects, originates from the South Pacific islands. It’s been used culturally for centuries in religious and traditional ceremonies to honor guests and bring communities together. The kava plant has also been used to

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