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Tag: Kava benefits

How kava works in our body and brain

So you’ve recently been introduced to kava. You’re intrigued. Maybe you’re looking to cut back on the amount of alcohol and coffee you drink. Or maybe you like the cultural history of the kava root. Whatever the reason is, you’re

The different ways to make kava

Kava is an earthy drink made from the root of the pepper plant, Piper methysticum, found in the Pacific islands. To make kava, the root is harvested and ground down into a fine powder that is then added to water

Kava and cancer: The potential anticancer effects kava may have

In this 2019 study, researchers investigated the connection between kava and cancer and how it could be protective against certain types of cancer. This systematic review identified, assessed, and analyzed related studies to better understand how the protective components of

Kava Gets More Popular as Gen Z Drink Less Alcohol

A health-conscious generation that grew up seeing many of alcohol’s negative effects in people older than them, Gen Z’ers are choosing a sober life at increasing rates. Drinking an average of 20% less than millennials, Gen Z is not as

Kava: 6 Interesting Facts About The Kava Plant

Kava, a tea brewed with the ground root of the kava plant, has only increased in popularity worldwide over time. A part of life for generations for the native peoples of Polynesia, kava creates feelings of happiness, calmness, and relaxation. 

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