Tag: Kava non-alcoholic

The Non-Alcoholic Benefits of Kava

If you don’t drink alcohol, hanging out in social settings can be a challenge. You want to spend time with your friends, but not drinking can make you feel on the outside of things. The heightened social energy and the

Kava Gets More Popular as Gen Z Drink Less Alcohol

A health-conscious generation that grew up seeing many of alcohol’s negative effects in people older than them, Gen Z’ers are choosing a sober life at increasing rates. Drinking an average of 20% less than millennials, Gen Z is not as

Kava Bars: The Social Alternative to Alcohol

The demand for kava, a tea made from the ground root of the kava plant, has been steadily increasing over the years. Kava is popular as an alternative to alcohol and a way for people to relax away from drinking

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