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Tag: kava vs alcohol

Swapping kava for alcohol: what are the benefits?

Life has gotten busy, and business is stressful. We try to fit so much into a day to maximize time and productivity that we are often left feeling exhausted and craving something to help us relax at the end of

Is kava safer than alcohol?

For decades, we’ve turned to alcohol as a way to unwind and relax after a busy day. It’s kind of become the norm: happy hour after work, a glass of wine with dinner, even a cold beer after a long

Kava Nectar: The perfect Alcohol Alternative

In our fast-paced, stressful world, we look to things that help us feel calm and relaxed. Traditionally, alcohol has been the go-to for such occasions. Its origins trace all the way back to 700BC with mead, a drink made from fermented